Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How to Use a Wiki

Image result for wiki imagesA wiki is an editable web site that allows any visitor to participate. It has tools that enable its users to edit the site without any prior knowledge. Anyone whom has access can post anything to a wiki. Wikis are used online publicly. That is, anyone outside the school classroom can access them. Some users collaborate together and share information. This might include family information and photos, technical information from products, data from a research and development project, or projects. 

Image result for wiki imagesWikis can also be used for free expression. One example can be from my class, Educational Technology 486. We have been using a wiki site to work together to find sources for our teaching content area. On my Resources Section page, there are many resources listed for subjects in the Language Arts- such as Literature, Creative Writing, and Grammar. Students in my class collaborated and found multiple sources to support different aspects of different content areas. The Wiki allowed us to all participate and contribute to the assignment. It also enabled us to easily submit our sources and link them to the designated website.

There are many differences between a wiki and another online publication, such as a blog. A blog contains “posts” or entries written by one author. People can view posts and leave “comments,” or responses to the post by the author. The difference between a wiki and blog is that only the author can edit the post of a blog. No one can go and change what has been written in a blog. In a Wiki, however, anyone can change what has been written. It is more communally written. It has more structure and allows for openness.

Image result for wiki images
Some ideas for wiki usage can include: an annotated virtual library, a collaborative book review, an in-class “encyclopedia,” or a virtual tour of your school as a community. A benefit to the wiki is that it can appeal to almost any subject area. It is not limited in its usage; it can be used by everyone and is easily accessible. The tools are efficient and do not require much explanation.